This is Emma's thing...another collage with stickers, this time as people dressing up.
And now for my confession...I can't post pictures of Anna's project, because I lost it! She drew a really cute peacock, and had plans to put glitter on it, and I laid it down on Daddy's desk...and no one has seen it since. I asked if she wanted to make something else, but she doesn't. From now on I'll have to scan things in as soon as they're finished with them, so I don't lose any more of them. I hate it SO bad...it was a really good picture of a peacock, too. ; ) It may still turn up...I checked the trash, and it wasn't there, so there's still hope. ; )
This is Daddy's. He painted a little figure he made once upon a time. It's made from a dough whose name escapes me right now...it's white and paintable and drys overnight...oh, gosh, what IS it? It comes in a packet, but isn't re-sealable.
(Camera batteries finally charged yea!)

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