Monday, September 13, 2010

Swirly Learning

I have learned SO much lately....things I am amazed I never knew!

For instance...."Educational Notes".....NEVER heard of these before they were on an episode of Pawn Stars. HOW did that happen? I used to read U.S. money price guides for fun! How did something so interesting get past me?

This page tells more about them..., but these have larger, easier-to-see photos...$2SilverCertificateEducationalFR248PCGSEF40PPQSn10273175.htm$1silvercertificatefr224au55educationalsn545828.htm$5SilverCertificateFR268EducationalSn7423707.htm

And the Occupation of Alcatraz....How'd THAT never get mentioned once during 11 years of history classes? History is my favourite topic to read about.....I've read thousands of books about history, mainly United States history, and had never heard of this before I saw a mention in Antiques magazine.

Today I learned the difference between *disc* and *disk*

Happy Thought

The world is so full of a number of things,
I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings.

~Robert Lewis Stevenson