Monday, February 25, 2008

I wanted to Post this, so I wouldn't forget...

how GOOD my girls are. : )

Today they've played SO well together. Since we got them a computer they've *sometimes* fought over whose turn it fighting today! yea!

Daddy was carrying a drawer into the living room and the botom fell out and things spilled everywhere. Both girls jumped up to help him pick everything up. AND, he had a little bottle of green liquid (a movie prop) which popped its cork and spilled and they grabbed a towel and blotted it up. (Thank goodness we don't have our new carpet down yet!) ; ) I was SO impressed! ; )

Then, when I took the laundry to dry it, Emma helped me carry the baskets, and while we were at Mom's she cleaned off the table and was SO sweet.

They're SUCH good girls. : )

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