Thursday, February 28, 2008
Thoughts on the Law
How it all started was she was telling some of the other ladies there that it was a sin to wear pants, because the Bible tells us not to wear that which pertains to a man.
Anyway, I pointed out that that's in the law, and isn't mentioned again. And since we're under a new covenant we're not required to follow what's in the law.
She said that unless it's specifically abolished in the NT, we're still held accountable for it. I asked specifically about some things which aren't mentioned either in the NT or OT once they're set down in the law...for example the law of jealouses. (Num. 15, I think...)anyway, she says she'd go along with it. : P
I pointed out that Jesus came not to change the law but to fulful it, and even at the beginning of the church the gentiles weren't having to follow the law, except abstaining from fornication and idols, basically.
She wrote back that we'd just have to agree to disagree, which was actually what I was going to say, but then she tacked on something along the lines of hoping understanding would be opened, and although she put in a "you and I" sort of thing, it was obviously directed at me...that she still thinks I'm wrong.
It's been bugging me. I'll breathe, and say, "Just forget it, it doesn't matter." But it still bugged me. UNTIL...
I thought I'd look just a bit farther...I hadn't checked my dictionary yet on the matter. ; )
Fulfil = complete
Complete = finished, ended, concluded
In strict propriety, this word admits of no comparision; for that which is complete cannot be more or less so.
(American Dictionary of the English Language 1828 ed.)
If Jesus has fulfilled -completed- the law, it can not be part of it, or some of it; it MUST be ALL of it.
AH, so my understanding IS better. ; )
But, unfortunately, I can't post it there, because I said it was my last .02. lol
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Once again...I am SO Glad my Girls Aren't in School!
"Aaron had to stay in from recess again today, because he wouldn't color his picture. He hates coloring." The kid is 5! Bleah. Enough said. : (
Then she was talking about Dylan. Now it just so happens that I know Dylan fairly well, because he's in my Sunday School class. He's a very sweet little fellow, with beautiful brown eyes...I'm a sucker for brown eyes. lol Anyway, she said he was supposed to be writing his spelling words three times each and hadn't done it and was going off to talk to someone and she told him to do it, and he said he'd do it later. She told him to do it right then. I pointed out that he has some problems with muscle control and maybe he can't write that many words that many times. Mom agreed with me, saying that sometimes kids who don't want to do things it's because they can't do them, or because doing the thing is uncomfortable for them.
I'm sorry for them, that they don't have the option to "just say no". Why the heck would anyone need to color a stupid picture before they get recess anyway? Isn't coloring supposed to be *fun*?
Bleah, again.
I'm sure as long as she's teaching there I'll have lots of things to post complaints about. lol
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Yesterday and Today...

Today was "Dress up as your Favourite Book Character" day at the library after-school program. Anna was Laura crocs. lol
Emma was Meg from Little Women. You can't tell from the picture, but her hair was really cute. I braided it and pulled the braid across the front, then put the back up in a bit of lace with flowers.
After the library we went to the grocery store. Imagine the looks. lol
Emma is working on a book she ruined today. Last night when she was helping me carry in the laundry she put two library books in the basket, then when they weren't in the basket when she got in the house she thought she must have left them in the van. When I went out to walk Oscar this morning they were in the driveway. And it rained last night. So she's putting paper between the pages to dry them out. I've already told the library, though, so we're paying for them and will get to keep them...if they dry out well. We now owe the library $20 for lost or damaged items. : ( We won't be able to afford to go to the library before long. ; )
Monday, February 25, 2008
I wanted to Post this, so I wouldn't forget...
Today they've played SO well together. Since we got them a computer they've *sometimes* fought over whose turn it fighting today! yea!
Daddy was carrying a drawer into the living room and the botom fell out and things spilled everywhere. Both girls jumped up to help him pick everything up. AND, he had a little bottle of green liquid (a movie prop) which popped its cork and spilled and they grabbed a towel and blotted it up. (Thank goodness we don't have our new carpet down yet!) ; ) I was SO impressed! ; )
Then, when I took the laundry to dry it, Emma helped me carry the baskets, and while we were at Mom's she cleaned off the table and was SO sweet.
They're SUCH good girls. : )
Sunday, February 24, 2008
A Fresh New Week
After I decided to not do anything for the rest of the week last week, I spent most of the time on the couch. My wonderful husband took over all my chores, ~~including the litter boxes!~~, and even cooked several times. He's been just GREAT!!
However, although my back is still unhappy, I am going to *try* to get back in the swing of things this week. Without, hopefully, having to lift anything. I will start off tomorrow with a few nice big loads of laundry....and see how that goes. : )
I am thinking I'd better get better quick, because (prepare for good news...)
We have our new carpet for our living room! We just got it yesterday, and oh, it's SO pretty! I want to go ahead and paper the living room while we have things moved for the carpeting, so I'm going to have to be ready to jump at a moments notice when Daddy says it's time! : )
However, cutting this post short, Oscar says it's go out. lol
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Still Hurting
Yesterday and the day before I tried to do too much, and ended up in so much pain I had to take a pill last night. I HATE taking medicine.
SO, for the rest of the weekend I'm not going to do ANYTHING. I'm going to let Daddy do all my chores, and just rest on the couch. Hopefully that will help it heal.
I decided Tuesday evening that it was silly for me to try to do things that I knew could aggervate lifting heavy cookers up to high shelves, so I asked Daddy to do it for me. He was proud of me.
THEN I thought it would be fine to go to the library with the girls for the after school program and wait on Daddy, even though he had a doctor's appointment and I knew it would be a long (unpredictably long) time before he'd get back. By the time he got back I was in dreadful pain, but couldn't leave. I suppose I could have laid in the floor, but the thought of germs is worse than the pain. ; )
So after all that, I decided to go out with Daddy to the "far" library yesterday. He only had to return one book, and I needed to stop by the grocery store and needed him to lift dog food for me, so we both went, but then he wanted to look at more books...and I spotted a Birds of North America book and grabbed it off the shelf...I'll bet it was a good thirty pounds! SO, by the time we got home I was in such pain I had to take a pill. The pill did work, though, and I spent a fairly restful evening/night.
However, it has taught me that overdoing is as bad as lifting heavy things, so I'm going to just take it easy.
On another topic...we got to see the eclipse last night! We were thinking it would be too cloudy, but they were fluffy clouds, so we could see it at times. : )
When the eclipse was almost over...just the last sliver of shadow still on the moon...the girls went out and danced in the road by moonlight.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Nothing to Do...
When I got up this morning, it didn't hurt, and I thought oh, boy, it's better! And went outside to feed the animals, and when I got back inside my leg had started going numb. SO, back to the couch for a while.
I've been reading National Geographics, and watching Andy Griffith re-runs, and playing a few board games with the girls as long as I can sit up. Mostly I just lay there, though. Not fun.
Still, we do have things to be thankful for. My nephew (we just found out) spent most of last week in the hospital. He almost went into a diabetic coma...his sugar was over 500 when they got him there, when they finally got it low enough to check it (apparrently they couldn't get a reading if it was over 500) and after a while it was down to 493. He is home now, though, Thank God, but still SO many new'll be a new lifestyle for his whole family.
My sister was SO mad...they didn't call her or anything until Saturday, when his step-mom brought him by where she works and told her. She (step-mom) said he had lost so much weight that none of his pants fit and she had to go buy new ones...Mom said she bought him 34's for Christmas, and his step-mom had to buy 12 Husky. That's a dramatic weight loss...poor little fellow.
He was born the same year as Emma. They're both 12, but he will be thirteen next month. He was born the day after I found out I was pregnant with Emma. They've always been best friends. During Emma's one episode with formal schooling, I sent her to headstart, because if you asked "Who's your best friend?" She always said he was. So I (being the highly-intelligent being I was,) I sent her to Headstart. When the year was over, we asked her who her best friend was...and guess who. He still was. As she's gotten older she's gone more to girls for "best" friends, but he's still a really close one. The last time they were together they were planning a tree house. : )
We won't get to see him again, though, until they have everything figured out about his insulin and blood checking. Poor little fellow. I really do feel SO bad for him.
I told Daddy, though, after we found out about it, I REALLY don't see why he doesn't change his lifestyle NOW, in hopes that he doesn't get diabetes...he's already pre-diabetic, and won't do anything different. Just expecting it to happen, I guess, and feels it's inevitable. BUT, he really doesn't have a family history. One aunt and uncle have had diabetes, and both were very overweight. I just wish he'd change. Oh, well... : )
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Things A Day for days 15 and 16 and ??
We went and took down Emma's building and brought it home, and I re-injured my back.
For good measure, I sprained my ankle, too.
SO, I'm pretty much laid up, and unless I'm going to do a haiku every day, I think things a day is pretty much over for me. ; )
I probably won't be blogging much, either, because this desk chair is torture.
Oh, well, it was fun while it lasted.
Maybe we'll pick it up again later...for right now, though, I'm going back to the couch and my heating pad. ; )
Friday, February 15, 2008
Things to Share. ;o)
First this article ^, which was a very interesting look at unschooling.
Then this one...
about a retired teacher who says he never learned to read in school. He says, "I believe that illiteracy in America is a form of child neglect and child abuse and the child is blamed and they carry the shame, if we just teach our people how to read we'd give them a fair chance,"
I do agree that it may be a form of child neglect, but I think child abuse is going a bit far.
People who don't have books in their houses, people who don't read to their kids, people who never read themselves...not reading to a child is IMNSHO ; ) very, VERY neglectful....unless, of course, you have one of those kids who hate to be read to. ; )
On a group I'm on, there was a really, really good post about it, and I LOVED her "take" on it...
"The John Corcoran Story From a Home-school Perspective
One of those things for me was learning that a college educated man named John Corcoran taught school for 17 years while carrying a dark secret, he couldn't read! As soon as I heard about his story on our local news station I ran to my computer and typed in his name. What I found was a website dedicated to his foundation and his advocate for literacy that contains his story. As I read his story I learned of how our great public educational system fails to notice the class' illiterate; even going as far as humiliating a child....
While the years of his "education" has all of the makings of a good case against our public school system, I am rather drawn to the storybehind the story. How can a person with his experience in the public school system and who is completely illiterate have a passion to teach; and of all things English Grammar? The answer lies within his other passion, his true passion, "to prevent children from enduring what I had to endure". Talk about making lemonade out of the lemons that life dealt him. Although, at times, the pressure seemed to great to handle Mr. Corcoran pressed forward and continued on in his journey to reach out to the "at-risk students" whose "bodies showed up, but their minds were shut down" that he felt could be reached.
As a home educator who has always been posed the question, "how can you teach your children without a degree" I will proudly tell the story of John Corcoran who taught for 17 years without even knowing how to read. His story has truly been an inspiration for me, a home educator who sometimes lacks confidence in my ability to teach my children because of those who feel like one must reach some level of "education" before they can teach anyone else anything." (Brandy Z.)
I particularly liked her ending paragraph.
Although I haven't had anyone question my ability to teach my kids yet, since they're getting older, I'm pretty sure it's coming. This will help me articulate answers to those nay-sayers. ; )
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine's Meme
The heck with trying to make a sinple link. I CANNOT figure it out!
But I *can* copy and paste addresses! Yea for me!
Now that that's over....
back to:
Valentine's meme
(I thought this would be cool for Valentine's Day...maybe I could count it as my thing for today, too? Pleeease?)
Brag About Your Husband:
What is his name: Daddy
How long have you been married: 14 years next month! Doesn't seem that long.
How long did you date: three months
How old is he: 35
How old are you: 32
Who eats more sweets: Me, usually.
Whose parents do you see most? Depends. In summer, neither. In winter I dry laundry at mine, so we're there more. I've actually gone from Christmas to Mother's Day without seeing my in-laws, even though we live in their front yard. Daddy does go see them sometimes, though.
Who said I love you first: He bought me a keychain that said, "I love You" right after the first time we talked. I was a *little* uneasy about it...was he going to stalk me if I refused it? lol
Who is taller: He is, by three inches.
Who can sing better: Neither of us sings very well.
Who is smarter: Me, of course!
Who does the laundry: I do. He has been known to do a bit of it, if I fall behind.
Who does the dishes: We take turns.
Who pays the bills: He brings in the $$, I write the checks.
His guilty pleasure: I don't think he feels guilty about any of them. lol
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed: It depends on whether we're sleeping with our heads at the foot of the bed, or the head. Right now we're at the foot, and so I'm on the right.
Who mows the lawn: We both do.
Who has more friends: Are we talking actual *friends* or family? I have more *family* friends, he has more *outside of family* friends.
Besides you, who is his best friend: Nathan
Who cooks dinner: We both do...I LOVE it when he cooks, though.
Who is more stubborn: ME!!!
Who kissed who first: We were both there...but he asked for it. ; )
Who asked who out first: I have no idea. We never have remembered that sort of thing.
What was your first date: First *real* date? As in dinner and a movie kind of thing? No idea there, either.
Who proposed: I did.
Who has more siblings: I do.
What is your favorite thing about him: He's sweet.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Things a Day, Day 13
Emma has been drawing...the cutest little people with Who-like noses.
Anna has been on the computer playing games mostly....she did do a drawing one day, that I forgot to blog about.
Daddy cooked all day today...I will say that was his thing. He was wonderful, since I didn't feel the best in the world, and put the veges in with the roast this morning, made chili beans for lunch, then made steaks and brocolli for supper. I am SO thankful to have a man who will slave for me when I'm unhappy-tummied. ; )
I'd post my two new haiku, but they're not near me, and I'd have to get up...maybe I'll amend my posts later and add them. ; )
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Things A Day, Day 12
So, unless writing R4 on a wall counts as art, I'm dry today. lol
I suppose something will have to be made for supper...maybe I'll feel like trying something really good, but I don't know yet. And Daddy is feeling bad, so he's planning on going home and going to bed with a movie. (we're at the library) Which means he'll be on his computer and I won't be able to blog tonight. I may amend this post some time later, if I do accomplish anything, but I don't know.
I have plans to make some cards...birthday, thank you, anniversary...just some little cards to have on hand when I need one, so I won't have to buy, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Things A Day, Day 11
(I'm still on Daddy's computer, so no pics.)
Anna drew a really cute Indian.
Emma colored a picture...Strawberry Shortcake, I think. She went to the store with Daddy's mother. She did buy a cheesecake for everyone to share. So, maybe she also made...smiles? ; )
She has decided that she doesn't want to go to school. She woke up this morning about 9, and said, "I'm GLAD I'm not going to school. I wouldn't have gotten to sleep as long." My thoughts exactly. : )
I did make an extra effort to play more games with them today. We played Payday and Life for several hours, before a cold attacked and knocked me out.
I am SO hoping it's just a cold and not strep. My SIL called Mom's and told her they have strep, broncitis (sp?), and colds. And they were up there yesterday with us. Bleah. Justus is sick too, he came home early from school today and mom was really mad at him, but when SIL called and told her that, she told my dad, "You may have to take him to the doctor tomorrow." lol
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Things A Day, Day 10
Anna drew a cute picture of a pond with cattails at church.
Emma made kool-aid popcicles.
Daddy didn't do anything. It is still fairly early, so he still could. BUT...
whatever he would do (if he did) I still couldn't post pics, because I'm having to use his computer until mine has it's anti-virus stuff updated. I could go off into a big whiney post about how icky Daddy's computer is, compared to mine, but I'm not going to. I have bigger worries right now.
Emma wants to go to school. She and Mom and partly Daddy are all trying to talk me into putting Emma into school next year, and to a lesser extent, Anna. Anna said, "If I go, I'd like them to put me back in a lower grade, because I wouldn't know how to do the work." ARGH!!!
I'm feeling like I'm failing. Emma is saying, "Even if I don't like going, at least I'll have gotten a good education out of it." And I keep repeating, "You can get a much better education at home!"
I don't like it, I don't like it, I don't like it, I don't like it a bit.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Things A Day, Day 9

Emma made a sand art picture holder

And Daddy bought a bowling ball that's destined to become a space ship. Maybe. Someday.

Friday, February 8, 2008
Things A Day, Day 8

Thursday, February 7, 2008
Things A Day, Day 7

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Things A Day, Day 6

Doesn't he look unhappy? He's seemed sick today, a bit hot I thought, but I didn't take his temp. He's also been holding up his left leg a bit like it's hurting, but we can't see anything wrong with it. Daddy opinioned that maybe it was a bit of a kidney infection, because we left him home for !5! hours yesterday while we went out. If he keeps being unhappy I may take him to the vet.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Things a Day, Day 5

Monday, February 4, 2008
Things A Day, Day 4

Sunday, February 3, 2008
What We Did Today...
The girls and I went to the park today, and since no one else was there, I suggested we check out the geocache that's there. I had forgotten about the stream that has to be waded to get there, and boy, was it cold! I was wearing crocs, so I tossed them back across to Emma so she didn't have to wade across with bare feet, but Anna dropped her shoes in and just wore them, because they were already wet.
The cache was full of really cool stuff, and Emma wanted to go back to the van to get everything she could think of to trade, but we ended up barely getting to trade at all, because a man pulled up in a truck and was watching. We spent quite a bit of time standing around looking all innocent saying, "Look at that moss!" "Oh, look, that moss is different!" lol
After that we went by the library and checked out a few books, then on the way home Emma wanted to see if another cache was still there, so we stopped there.
It's next to a pond, so Anna and I tried feeding the fish while Emma went to get it. No fish ever showed up, but it was nice watching the ripples, anyway.
When we got home Mom came by with all her granddaughters, and asked if the girls could go to her house for a while. They stayed up there for a couple hours, then came home.
Since they've been home they've: watched tv, played with the ferret, and drew.
I think there was more, but Daddy's waiting on me to walk with him and Oscar.
Things a Day, Day Three

Emma made Valentine cards for her friends at the library after school program.

Saturday, February 2, 2008
Things a Day, Day Two, Part Two

This is Emma's thing...another collage with stickers, this time as people dressing up.
And now for my confession...I can't post pictures of Anna's project, because I lost it! She drew a really cute peacock, and had plans to put glitter on it, and I laid it down on Daddy's desk...and no one has seen it since. I asked if she wanted to make something else, but she doesn't. From now on I'll have to scan things in as soon as they're finished with them, so I don't lose any more of them. I hate it SO was a really good picture of a peacock, too. ; ) It may still turn up...I checked the trash, and it wasn't there, so there's still hope. ; )
This is Daddy's. He painted a little figure he made once upon a time. It's made from a dough whose name escapes me right's white and paintable and drys overnight...oh, gosh, what IS it? It comes in a packet, but isn't re-sealable.

Things A Day, Day Two

The girls haven't worked on their things yet, so I'll have to post them later (again). ; )
Things A Day Day One
Friday, February 1, 2008
Things a Day...
Anna actually wrote a bit of a song this morning, but she wanted to create something else, too, and she's working on that now...I'll post pics of theirs later, prolly.
Daddy worked on a computer program, opening it and playing around with it, in preparation to making scale was a scale converter something. ; )
I wrote a haiku: (are you ready for this lol)
thing-a-day, oh, no!
now I think I can do it
when I can't sign up.
I like comes easily ; )
I'm trying to load Anna's picture, and it's not working, so I'll try again tomorrow...when it's day two.
I am SO Tired!
We had to do a bit of running today, and so I had to get up before I was entirely ready...especially considering I didn't get in bed until 3:30am. : P (Well, there were new posts on one of the unschooling boards...what would you expect? lol)
Daddy was sweet and took Oscar out this morning early, so I didn't have to get up really early for that, but still, he needed to go out again before I was ready to get up...sometimes I wish he was an outside dog....
Rachel called us and said she had the little girls because mom was gone to a basketball game, and would we like to come up for pizza...don't have to ask us twice! ; ) So the girls and I have been up there for several hours, eating pizza and watching movies and talking. Emma loves to go up and talk *girl talk* with Rachel. They're so funny...talking about which boys are cute and which ones are nice. : ) I think Rachel can be a good influence on Emma, so I don't mind taking her up to hang out with her. I also think it's a testament to homeschooling that Rachel doesn't mind hanging out with a 12 year old. Homeschoolers are the best! : )