1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Either/or. I'm not picky. Some things fit better in bags, and some things are surprises and require paper. ; )
2. Tree--Real or Artificial? VERY artificial. It's silver metal with hooks for branches.
3. When do you put Christmas tree up? Usually the first of December, this year was the 4th or 5th.
4. When do you take the tree down? As soon as we get home from visiting the family on Christmas...or if I'm too tired the day after Christmas
5. Like eggnog? Bleah. A drink with eggs?...no thank you. My MIL makes something with eggs, too...boiled custard, that's rather like eggnog, and I don't like it either. http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Southern-Boiled-Custard/Detail.aspx Emma and Daddy do, though.
6. Do you have a nativity scene? Several. The last few years my decorating has been mostly nativities, but this year I didn't feel like unpacking them and re-packing them, so I left them in the boxes and put up my little village pieces instead.

7. Favorite gift received as a child? Teddy bear, the year I was 4.
8. Hardest person to buy for? Just about everyone. No one waits until Christmas to get what they want...they go ahead and buy it. What can you buy for people who buy for themselves the things they want?
9. Easiest person to buy for? Emma. She likes anything and everything.
10. Worst Christmas gift? Not a gift for me, but last year my BIL gave my girls old candlesticks with half-burned candles. I was SO mad...I told them if he gives them something like that this year to hand it back and tell him they don't want his trash.
11. Mail or email a Christmas card? Giving or receiving? Giving, mail. Receiving, either.
12. Favorite Christmas movie? A Charlie Brown Christmas.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? The after-Christmas sales.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Lots of times...unless I can't remember who gave it to me.
15. Favorite food to eat on Christmas? I'll eat almost anything.
16. Lights on tree? If I had a more real-looking tree, yes.
17. Favorite Christmas Song? I'll say Silent Night. It's easy to remember, anyway.
18. Travel during Christmas or Stay home?We go as far as my Grandmother's for dinner...5 miles, I think.
19. Can you name Santa's reindeer? Since watching Jingle all the Way so many times, yes.
20. Angel or Star on Tree top? We have a star, but in the past when we had real or more realistic trees we've had both.
21. Open presents on Christmas Eve or morning? Both. And at various times during the month, too.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Too many people out.
23. Favorite ornament? I like all we have....maybe the "baby's first Christmas" ones best.
24. What do you want for Christmas this year? Candy and socks. And since I picked out my gifts...I get them!
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