Sunday, March 16, 2008

Friday Night, Saturday, and Sunday

Friday night I went out to walk Oscar about 2:30 and an owl was hooting across the road, and another one was answering up the road. Lovely. It was a beautiful night, too, with a clear sky and fog over in the pasture.

Saturday we went out shopping in the morning, and I bought two games at a thrift store. Risk and an old game...TV Guide, I believe it was. I wasn't sure we didn't have Risk already, but we didn't, so I was glad I bought it.

In the evening we watched the movie Arctic Tale...not nearly as good as the penguin one. The seal peeking out of the ice made us think of Miss Pretty Kitty, how she peeks out so carefully to make sure Max and Luc aren't waiting to pounce on her.

About 8:30 last night when it stopped raining I took Oscar for a walk...the first really long one I've taken since I hurt my back.

The frogs were singing SO pretty farther up the road I came home and got Daddy and the girls to walk up there with me and listen. We could hear either 4 or 5 different songs.

On the way home, we kept seeing worms crossing the road, and it reminded me of the discussion on Always Learning about worms that was going on a few weeks ago, so I told Daddy and the girls about it, and they got excited about starting a worm farm. So we came home and got flashlights and a container and a spatula and went out worm hunting. ; )

We found several, and put them in a bucket with a bit of dirt when we got home, until we could look up making a *nice* home for them.

Today we worked on their home...shredded newspaper, wet like a wrung-out sponge, a bit of dirt, and a touch of cornmeal. I never knew worms had such stringent living requirements. lol

Anyway, now we have a pail of worms in the kitchen...and maybe they will be fruitful and multiply. : )

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