Friday, March 14, 2008


Inspired by a blog-post I found online ( March 6 post) I'm posting (I started to type composting lol) pictures of bits of our bookshelves. I can only take pictures of bits, because I can't get far enough away to get the whole thing at once. Darn small house. lol
Apparantly, I'm starting off with my bedside table. (I'm always surprised by the order the pictures end up in...) The books here are mostly some I picked out of the free box of discards at the library and didn't have a place to put them yet. A few are good for putting me to sleep, though. ; ) The basket has magazines.
This is on the wall in our bedroom. When we first moved in, I put up a pretty little mirror with ivy twined over the top. On our latest foray into finding more book-room, we spotted a bit of wall without a shelf...and down came the ivy. The mirror is still under the shelf, but so covered it's unusable...with books in front of it, too. lol On this shelf is mostly "books about books"...writing guides, literature books, and things like 100 Short Books to Read when Your Book Report is Due Tomorrow.These books are two deep, and stacked on top of each other above, too. An eclectic mix, when I lose a book it's nearly always on this shelf. Also a good place for finding books I've read sometime during the past year and stuck *somewhere*. This shelf makes a good *somewhere*. (Sewing boxes and clothes that need mending below...I *could* have cleaned a bit before posting pictures for the world to see. lol)Half of Daddy's bookshelf...a jar of screws, a bag of...something, and a shirt that should have been put away. And a microscope case. I think you can tell homeschoolers by what is on their book shelves *besides* the books. lolOkay, this one is the worst one in the house. This is just the two top shelves...there are two other ones just like them. At least two rows deep (smaller books can go three rows...this is a HUGE wide shelf)and piled to the ceiling in a spot, I really *really* need to clean this one off and put them in order. Some sort of order. Any sort of Order. I think of it as the Black Hole of bookshelves in my house. I swear I saw a book about creating a nature museum in your house there last week, and now it's not there. Did I take it to read, or did it just disappear? The world may never know.Directly opposite the great hulking beast above is this slim, delicate shelf (one on each side of the door in the bedroom). It's about 6 1/2 feet tall and is stuffed to it's breaking point...with spray foam. No, there's only two cans. Why are they there, and why didn't I think to move them before I took a picture? Oh, well, too late now. The one thing this shelf has going for it, is that it's *mostly* organized. Gardening/Health books on the shelf with the spray foam, homeschooling books are one above, and parenting books one above that. Down below are shelves of travel books and antiques. If I think it's on this shelf, it usually is, just where I thought it would be....except for that I Kissed Dating Goodbye. I let Justus borrow it, and when I brought it home I just stuck it in. Need to move that, too...Oh, boy, the bathroom shelf. An eclectic mix of everything from National Geographic to a book on sailing. (Note: we don't have a boat.) And Garfield comics. There are ALWAYS Garfield comics there.The shelves in the girl's can't see nearly all of it them, because the one that showed more showed too many things in the floor. lol I should take square footage of this one...oh, and there's another, smaller one to my left when I was standing there taking the picture, which I didn't take a picture of. AND this only shows about two-thirds of the actual length. It would be hard to get all of it in one picture. Mostly organized, or at least it was a month ago. The other shelves in the girl's room. The bowls at the bottom next to the lamp are their coal flowers.Daddy's table. I was originally only looking for actual shelves, but this caught my eye, and because it nearly always looks like this, I thought I'd document it, too. It's mostly library books. My corner next to the couch. I actually took another picture that didn't show the pile of books on the floor, but I thought it was leaving out too much. lol Encyclopedias, hard-bound National Geographic (from the '40's through the '60's) and *new* books from the used book store in my pile...Hagar comic on top. lolAnd the last one...which of course was actually the first one I took a picture of. This one is beside the front door, and has all our picture albums on top...I keep thinking it will be easier to grab them there if the house ever catches on fire. ; ) This shelf has mainly Bible study books, although if you look carefully on the top shelf, the first book is my guide to Gilligan's to my Gilligan's Island DVDs. lol Oh, and the cat litter bucket is holding birdseed. ANOTHER thing I could have moved and had a better picture. (Still, it's nothing compared to the one I took where you could actually SEE the cat's litter box...) And above it on the wall...the cats have been sharpening their claws. I hadn't noticed that until the picture...odd funny thing, isn't it? ; )
In (most of) their glory, there are my bookshelves. I'm like a miser who piles his gold around him...I have to have my books near me. Daddy has some of his boxed up, but I don't see the use in having them if I can't see them....or at least have the option of seeing them, if I just get those other ones out of the way....


Laura/CenterDownHome said...

Oh, thanks for posting these! I love looking at other people's book cases and shelves. It's funny the things you see that you recognize. And you were right not to straighten and make things tidier for the pictures -- that would be cheating, especially after I showed you my Dust!

I recognized the Art History Book, I think -- is that Janson's? Do you have an art major in the family? :)

Anyway -- I enjoyed looking at all your book pictures. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Paige said...

It is Janson's...I had to go look. lol

Although my DH took lots of art classes in college, he's not an art major....I just like history...any kind of history, including art. ; )

I'm glad you dropped by!

Dawn said...

Now if only there was a way to shelve books on the ceiling! :)