Sunday, April 13, 2008

This Weekend...

I'm not entirely sure where I left off, and I'm not inclined to go back and see, so I might repeat a few things. : )

Daddy and the girls are playing a computer game right now, and we've just finished eating supper. I'm starting to get a bit sleepy, but thinking I might try to read a bit first. I've got several library books out I'd like to read a bit in before I take them back, and I got several magazines the last time we went, too.

Yesterday the girls went to a birthday party. One of their friends from the church turned 13, and they had her a big special party for it. The girls had fun, and Daddy got to talk to a couple friends he hadn't seen since we stopped going to church out there. I talked to a couple people...mostly one lady who kept trying to talk me into coming back to church...because she's been given my job of counting offering and kids in Sunday School. Muhahahaha...

We started walking a mile a day yesterday...all of us together. We managed to walk yesterday and we're off to a good start. : ) Today we were followed by a duck, but he finally stopped. The girls petted him, and begged to be able to keep him, then cried when we said it wouldn't be in his best interest. They got over him pretty quickly, though, when we got home.

Anna is doing really well with eating low cholesterol foods. I'm learning that the main thing is being proactive in taking and making her things she likes and are better for her than some of the "quicker" things she's used to just grabbing off the shelf. She's reading labels herself, and is very pleased when she finds something that she particularly enjoys is cholesterol free.

We found 5 ticks on Oscar today! That's in addition to the 4 or so we got off him the other day. I'm wondering if those things that say they kill both fleas and ticks really work...and how they work.

The girls and Daddy have been watching X-Men for the last few days. Most of our X-men movies are on VHS, so they weren't able to watch them when the VCR tore up, and now they're making up for lost time, it seems. lol Since they're in there playing a game now, I'm watching The Andy Griffith Show just to de-compress a bit. lol

It has turned cold outside. I didn't cover my plants last night, and my tomatoes look a bit frostbitten. I hope they don't die. Something has been eating at one of them, and it only has one leaf left. We covered them for tonight, because it's supposed to be freezing. For the next three nights, actually. I'll be glad when the last cold spell is over and it stays warm outside. Spring is my favourite time of year, except the cold spells. ; )

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