Thursday, April 3, 2008

More of This and That...

It's been rainy for a few days, so we haven't been able to get out and pick up trash for awhile. We did, however, take the girl's cans they've picked up to sell today, and they got $26! We went out for pizza, then they bought parts in a new computer game. (Oregon Trail) They are playing their new game now. (Emma keeps saying, "WHAT should I DO?" lol)

I just discovered I have a two-day overdue DVD from the library...and so everything I was going to blog about has left me. : ( I completely forgot it. They've been watching so much Stargate they haven't thought of anything else for a while...and no one thought of the darn DVD. Waahhh...

Back to better things...


We've always called it rabbit tobacco...Sunday when we were out walking Anna spotted some and said, "Oh! It's KITTY CABBAGE!" lol I am sure it will forevermore be called kitty cabbage in our family. : )

While we were out today I bought Oscar a name tag. He jingles now. : ) The cats aren't quite sure what to do with a jingling dog. Even Tiger swatted at him. lol

We went to the pet store to buy some ferret food, and took a minute to look at the animals...and boas...ewww. lol I wasn't expecting them and squealed. lol

Prices have gone up SO much it's almost unbelievable. I took $300 out as usual for groceries and non-food items, and wasn't able to get everything on my list...before I could get all with about $20 left over for *incidentals* during the week. : ( Daddy fussed about "mismanagment of funds", but apologized when I pointed out that I wasn't responsible for prices going up. Honestly, if they don't stop going up we'll have to pick up cans to help pay for basic necessities, instead of special pizza dinners and games. (only half-joking...)

Rabbit food alone has gone up $ food $4...animal bedding $2....cheese has gone up about .40...I tried to get things on sale, but still, outrageous!

I had something else here, but it disappeared. Thankfully Blogger saves drafts for you! I like whole post didn't leave me.

It's now what was tomorrow, yesterday. That is to say, when I got cut off last night and decided to just get off the computer and left my post as a draft it was yesterday, now it's tomorrow, or today, and Daddy and I are back to happy, and the girls are having a blast traveling the Oregon Trail. Karen had recommended it a couple years ago, but we hadn't bought it may have been too early for the girls to really enjoy it anyway. They certainly are enjoying it now, though. : )

1 comment:

Heather said...

We love Oregon Trail!