We went through the girl's bookshelves tonight. Even with this huge pile gone it doesn't look that much different.

First I went through and picked out the ones I wanted to keep, then Anna went through the ones I discarded and picked the ones she wanted to keep, then Emma went through the ones we'd discarded and decided which ones she wanted to keep, then Daddy came and browsed through them and said things like, "You're not REALLY getting rid of this, are you?" He kept a pile, too. lol

I couldn't get a very good picture of the ones we're getting rid of....they're stacked knee-high on the floor from one end of the coffee table to the other, then several stacks on the coffee table...
One thing I *didn't* find, and now feel like I have to search for, is my copy of
A Little Old Man. It's one of the cutest books ever (you can read it
here in pdf with Hindi translations added), and I *REALLY REALLY* don't want to accidentally get rid of it. It was one of my favourites when I was a child.
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