Thursday, September 11, 2008

Updating the Blog...September 11, 2008

Since I haven't updated lately, I thought I should. My back has been hurting so bad for the last two weeks I haven't been able to sit at the computer (or anywhere else) for more than a few minutes at a time, so I haven't updated.

The girls have been doing this and that...reading, watching tv, playing computer games, playing outside, trying to catch frogs (Anna), and buying H'ween costumes (Emma).

Anna had her follow-up appointment Monday, the doctor said her leg is fine and she can go back to normal activities...."What sort of activities is she wanting to do?" "Climbing trees." "Oh. She'd better wait another week until she does that." lol Yeah, right. She was in one yesterday. Today we got the bill for her surgery...$7,000! Thank God for insurance! I've been telling her she'd better take care of's a $7000 leg now. lol

I've been reading lots and lots, since I can't really do anything else. Luckily, I have piles of books to read. ; ) I'm currently working on "How Children Learn", "How Children Fail", "The Battle of the Bulge", "Realm of Algebra", and "Realm of Numbers". Plus three magazines. It's an interesting mix....I read until my brain is full of one kind of thoughts, then I read a different sort of book until I'm all filled up with those's giving me lots to think about. One thing I thought about is hiking a trail I was reading about in one of the magazines. I was thinking of goes from one quaint little town to another...anyway, hiking it and staying overnight in a B&B, then hiking back the next day. Daddy looked at me like I was crazy...I can barely move...but still, we must dream, right? I think it'd be a blast. I'll have to pull the magazine out and see if there's a website mentioned...I may look it up and make a plan....

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