Monday, September 15, 2008


One of Daddy's uncles or cousins or some such relative died last week, and he was asked to be a pall-bearer. He really didn't want to, but felt like he should. We were going down the road and he (trying to be a good example for the girls) said, "Well, what would Jesus do?" I said, "Generally, when Jesus went to a funeral, he raised the dead." hehehe Daddy decided since he couldn't raise the dead the least he could do was help bury the guy. ; )

Anna came to me last week and told me how to spell direction. She said last year she would have spelled it D-I-R-X-O-N, and now she knew it had a "tion" in it. It has been amazing and fascinating watching her improve in spelling and reading in the past couple years. She amazes me!

As for the other half of my kids...Emma has been so helpful since I've been unable to do much because of my back! Yesterday while I napped, she even gave Oscar a shower! Really, both girls have been wonderfully helpful. I'm happy with them. ; )

Last week, too, Daddy worked on wood sculpture with them. He said later that he "made" Anna stay and finish hers, because he didn't want her to think it was okay to quit when she got annoyed by something. After the funeral he was talking about one of his cousins who was there...she said her job stank, but she was going to stay with it. He said he was thinking (but didn't say) "Why don't you go find a job you love so you'll be happy?" He *hates* the thought of feeling stuck in a stinky job. I pointed out that he made Anna work on a job she was finding stinky, and she should have had the choice to stop. I suggested the next time he wants to work on some project to remember that she's small and may need a break, or food, or water, or something. With Anna, sometimes she just needs a snuggle. He said he'll try to remember. He *does* try to get unschooling and gentle parenting...and watching him, I'm amazed sometimes at the progress he's made. Sometimes, though, he's better with the dog than with the girls. lol

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Hi Paige,
Just popped over from RUN after reading your post about Annas fav things.
I have a nine and a half year old daughter and I was interested to read about Annas spelling.Milly was in school untill she was 8 and I have seen more growth and confidence in her since she left than all the years she was in the system. I have been really intrigued to watch her writing and spelling improve with so little "obvious" input from us.
We are still quite new to this and are having a bumpy time at present as we let go of restrictions on food and bedtimes!! Every day the RUN site provides an insight or a thought provoking question and it helps to put things into perspective.Thanks for sharing.xx