Thursday, September 25, 2008

Home, Thankfully!

Be it ever so humble, there's NO PLACE like home! I always feel like that when we go somewhere, even if it's just for a day. I *like* my home. : )

Well, we left about 8, got to the amusement park about 10:30, and spent the rest of the day wearing ourselves out with too many rides. lol It was great fun. A couple rides I had been looking forward to were too much for my back, so we only rode them once, but the one I didn't like last year I figured out how to keep my head from hitting the restraint in an uncomfortable way, and *loved* it this year. The girls and I ran around and rode it again and again. Daddy got a bit panic-ey and didn't ride it after that. We had a good time, though, and when we left we stopped by a museum for a while...which turned into a llloooonnnggg while, because Daddy started talking to the fellow working in the gift shop and they traded tall tales for quiet a while. lol

We made it safely home, and picked up Oscar yesterday, and he's SO happy to be home, too. He's minus a ..ahem... couple things, but he's still himself. Daddy was afraid he'd be changed, but he's just as sweet as ever.

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