It was in the apple tree in our neighbour's backyard, across the fence from our backyard.
I kept hearing an odd noise today...kind of like a dog yelping...yiP! yiP!, so I finally went out to see what it was. Once I got out there I could tell it was a bird, so I started following the sound.
It's just a young one, which, I suppose is why it's not saying "bob-white" like it should. After the girls went out to see it and Emma whistled for it, it had started adding in a bit of a beginning note. : )
SO pretty.
Cool birdie! Apples on the trees already? I'm jealous. Trees in Wisconsin just finished blooming. Hopefully we have enough bees around to pollinate the apples!
That's an early apple tree...I believe I've heard them called "early June apples", and they're actually almost ripe. They're fairly small, green apples, really good for cooking or drying.
If we get them (DH is supposed to be asking the neighbours if we can have some) I'm planning on drying a LOT of them...they're SO good dried!
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