Sunday, June 22, 2008

Berry Picking and Jam

We went berry picking today! Actually, Emma and I picked berries and Daddy and Anna picked cherries.

We got enough for a batch of cherry jam, and a batch of raspberry jam...ummm, good!

The raspberry jam smelled so good I slathered a piece of bread with the last bit in the bowl after I'd put the rest up. Ohhh, it was GOOD!!! If Heaven had a taste, that'd be it! ; )

The cherry jam tasted good, too, but didn't smell as heavenly as the raspberry.]

If if was really a good, conciencious blogger, I would have taken pictures through the whole process, and written a witty blog about it. Since I'm me, I'll just leave you wondering what it was like. ; )

Friday night we went to a Relay for Life walk...we had expected to see Elvis, but they couldn't get his CD player to work, and we got to hear one of my cousins instead. She has a really pretty voice. I'd heard her on her myspace page, but IRL she's better. ; )

The girls had a good time...Daddy didn't go with us, so it was just us girls, until we picked up my little brother and took him home. (He came with some of his buddies and I offered to take him home because I don't think teenage boys should be out driving around at's not safe.) Anyway...the girls played tug-of-war and ate popcorn and snow cones and tried to rope a duck again (with good results...the woman *helped* the rope), and listened to a concert...a cousin concert at that!...and played with lots of kids, and talked to their aunt (well, Daddy's aunt) and met one of his cousins...lots and lots of fun. We didn't leave until 12:45 am...I was SO tired!

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