Emma pulled out the volcano kit today. They worked on it most of the day, while watching movies.
When they were finished with it, Anna went outside for a while. I went out to empty some apple peelings into the compost pile, and she accosted me with a "I'm BORED!" I happened to be crossing the road and noticed at a little church up the road were cars, so I told her they were having VBS, and if she wanted to she and Emma could walk up to it.
She got really excited about it, and ran and told Emma. They changed clothes quickly and started off...all by themselves.
Lots of firsts there....their first walk somewhere alone...their first time being somewhere where they don't know *anyone*...their first VBS in a different church...actually, I believe their first time in a different denomination's church...
It was an experience for Daddy and me, too. lol We're not used to our little girls going off by theirselves! Daddy worried..."You know, it hasn't been that long ago that some people were run over on this road." Me..."When?" He... "You know that time those people were walking along the road and a drunk driver hit them." Me..."That was 60 years ago!" lol We walked up twice...once to find out what time it would end, the second time to meet them and walk back with them. They had a wonderful time, and are already planning on going back tomorrow night.
They were in different classes, which I don't really like...I'm kinda spoiled with usually being *with* them and talking Anna into Emma's classes, but this time I didn't get that chance. (Generally at our old church I'd give Anna the option to go into whichever class she wanted, and work it out with the teachers, and in other classes (not church-related) Emma's been in, if there was room Anna usually managed to get into it, too.)
Anna says she made a new friend today, and Emma says there is a cute boy there. lol They grow up SO fast! ; )
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