The girls went to a digital photography class today. It's hard to take good pictures with my dinky little camera, but they're right in the center, if you look hard enough. They're looking very bored, because, well, it was a very boring class.
Daddy was excited about going with us today, because he's all into photography and all that, but this guy who did the class was so extremely boring even Daddy had to admit it was dreadful.
They stuck it out for the snacks at the end...and the drawing for prizes. ; ) Although, Anna did get out of her chair and crawl through the floor a bit....and we went out until the end, then came back in. ; )
On another subject...
I've been working in apples. The neighbour's apples are starting to get ready, and I slithered over there yesterday and picked up a laundry basket full, and have dried two batches (dehydrator full) and put two bags of them in the freezer for cooking later. I wasn't feeling very good yesterday, which is my excuse for not getting more done. I think I had some sort of virus, because I was achy and icky feeling. A 24 hour virus, I guess, because I felt okay this morning.
I cut our hay (most of it, at least) Tuesday, and raked it up today, and we got a trash bag almost full! I was impressed by how much it turned out to be.
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