Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Law of (Opposite) Attraction

Last week I found The Secret at the library.

It sounds like a good idea...it may work...I *do* have an Oscar Mayer weiner dog, just like I wanted.

So I tried it. There was a used book sale, and I was thinking $100 would cover gas and food and books. I visualized, asked, believed....but didn't receive.

Today I found out why.

My sister came up to Mom's, and as usual I went up to talk, and she told about her week. Last week a man ran into her car in a parking lot, and acted really nervous about calling the cops, and since it wasn't too bad, she offered not to call for $100.

Yeah. Guess what day and what time it happened.

SAME darn time of the same darn day I started thinking of getting $100.

Perhaps if I visualized *her* getting $100, I'd get it. hummm.......


1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hubby and I have been practicing LOA and Law of Intention with our kids for a couple of years now. Nothing but positive.

visiting Springfield, Oregon