I've been running and running this past week, and haven't had time to blog at all.
Not to mention no time for anything else, either.
Daddy is working on Mom's house, closing in her back porch to make another bathroom, and we've been running to the home improvement store EVERY SINGLE DAY! He's gone there right now, but I refused to go. I want to STAY HOME!!!
My knees were hurting so bad Friday when we went he made me ride in a wheelchair. I felt rather silly, but there was no way I could have walked through the store. My way of dealing with it was to sit on the patio furniture while he shopped, but he wanted me with him.
Did I blog about my knees?...no I didn't, did I? Anyway, brilliant me was standing on a high chair (yes, baby's highchair) trying to reach something and fell off. I landed on my feet, and haven't decided yet if it was a good thing or a bad thing. If I had landed on something else, my knees wouldn't be in such bad shape now. OTOH, I could have broken my neck. Anyway... I re-fractured my left foot, and hurt both knees so that I couldn't walk...I believe it was Tuesday - Friday. Friday night I gave in and took a Tylenol, and Saturday woke up to no pain! Yay! Then, brilliant person that I am, Sunday I jumped to reach the limb of a tree, and guess what? Yeah, they're hurting again. Oh, yeah, and Thursday I stepped on a nail, which went through my shoe and into my right foot, so, left foot is fractured, right foot is really sore from puncture, and both knees are aching to beat the band.
So I rode in a wheelchair.
But a really cool thing...DH and I were at a flea market (seeing if there was any of that stuff we so desperately need, y'know) and an old school friend of his asked if he'd drive her and her mother home. She then turned to her mother and said, "(DH's name) will drive us home, he's a preacher." I thought that was cool. It's the first time he's been publicly acknowledged as a preacher, outside of church.
Yesterday (Sunday) we went to the little church up the road, and Anna sang! She was so nervous her voice was quaking, but it was SO sweet. Emma went with mom, so she wasn't there, so Anna sang alone, and did a beautiful job.
It was a nice little church, the people just talked amongst themselves, prayer request mixed in wherever they remembered them, a little discussion of the Bible, and they asked Daddy if he'd like to say something. I was amused by what he said...most of it was things I've said to him; and here I was thinking he wasn't listening. lol
Afterwards we went to my aunt's birthday party, at a park, where I jumped and spent the rest of the time there in pain. Anna played in the stream and found a snapping turtle, fish, crawfish, and a salamander.
Today I've stayed inside most of the day. I got up early and got laundry washed and hung outside, so during the hottest part of the day I was inside with the AC going. I had planned to cut our hay, but the clippers are too dull, and Daddy was off working on Mom's room, so I couldn't get them sharpened. So I napped instead. ; )