From Tuesday on...
Tuesday, Daddy *didn't* eat the old steaks, but was still sick all day, so we didn't go anywhere. The girls and I did rum up to visit my mom for a bit later that afternoon.
Wednesday, he was feeling better, so we went out, to the libraries, and to an art show. It was really cool, monotype paintings ...what it is...
and how to do it...
I was completely wore out when we got home, and went straight to about 2:30. I didn't sleep the whole time, I was reading, trying to finish a book, but I didn't get up until about 7. I forgot breakfast, so I had gone about 24 hours without eating. I didn't want to grab something, because Emma and Daddy were cooking a nice supper, so I was just waiting on it, I went out to get some tomatoes and I was washing them and cutting them up for the dehydrator, and started feeling like I was going to pass out. I had to leave the tomatoes (Emma, wonderful child that she is, finished them for me.) and go lay down. I drank a root beer with crushed ice, and felt better after that, so it was either dehydration or my sugar dropping. I'll have to remember to make sure I eat and drink enough. Don't want to feel like that again!
Thursday evening we went up to Mom's, my sister was there with her kids, and after they left I helped Mom clean her bedroom. She's such a packrat! We got rid of another 7 or so bags of stuff! And didn't even get *to* her clothes. lol
Yesterday we took the clothes and things to the thrift store and dropped them off...and bought a couple things. Anna found me Big Bird's nest! ...The story... When Daddy and I went to drop off things once before, I found a *lot* of the pieces for the Little People Sesame Street set , and the girls have been having a BLAST playing with it.
There's a picture (scroll down a little) with Big Bird in his nest. I LOVE it!!
I have several other little people things in my storage building...and if I ever get off the computer and go clean it out, I'll be able to bring them in for the girls. lol
But first, a couple pictures...

And Anna with one that had "A"'s. I wouldn't mind something like that for her room. Maybe with a white frame.
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