Sunday, July 20, 2008

The rest of Last Week...

Because I'm too lazy to think of a better blog title. lol

And no pictures yet, because I haven't loaded them up.

Anyway, Wednesday we went to a magic show (and both girls got picked for assistants, and I don't have pictures of that anyway, because the darn camera wouldn't co-operate). Then we went berry picking again, and I made red raspberry jam in the middle of the night. The girls went to VBS in the evening, and Daddy and I took a walk while we were waiting on them.

Thursday was Anna's birthday, and she chose to go to the pool to celebrate. So we spent most of the day Thursday at the pool, and didn't burn as bad this time, and they went to VBS when we got back, and Daddy and I took our bikes and rode while we were waiting on them, then went by the library and came home and got Mom to bring them back from VBS.

Friday was going to be an all-day-at-home day, but Daddy began it by hurting his back, so off to the doctor we went. (Unlike me, who when I hurt my back I just lay around and moan, HE trots off to the doctor to moan, whereupon the dr. gives him prescriptions, which he does not have filled because he "doesn't like to take pills", and he comes home and moans and takes over the computer because he can't do anything else, and I've spent all day at the doctor's office instead of at home doing laundry which I had planned, and since he didn't do what the dr said, what was the point in going in the first place?) Anyway, while he sat at home, I took the girls to the last night of VBS, and they both claimed to have an awful time, but didn't want to leave, and afterwards we all went to Mom's and they begged to spend the night, only to call at 1:30 and say they were tired and wanted to come home and sleep in their own beds. SO...

Saturday was Anna's birthday party, and she was tired from being up so late, and we were half-an-hour late to our own party, which wasn't too bad, considering no one else (except DH's brother and his family) showed up until 12:45 when the party was supposed to start at eleven. But the party was a success, I suppose, I don't really KNOW since I spent the most of the time walking people to the restroom and waiting outside the restroom for them.

Anna was a bit sick, and didn't feel like playing and was tired, too, so she wasn't particularly happy about it, but she survived it.

After it was over she wanted to go to the nature park next door, but she didn't feel like doing any of the things they had there, so we left and went by a store where you can stuff your own animal, (NOT taxidermy lol) and she picked out a yellow dog and a white ballerina outfit for it, but didn't feel like stuffing it, so Emma got to do that part.

Finally we made it home, and I tucked her up on the couch and Daddy found her some cartoons to watch, and she spent most of the rest of the evening there. Hopefully she'll feel better today. : )

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