Saturday, July 26, 2008

My Back...

Last night Daddy, Anna and I (Emma was at moms) rode the three and a half miles to mom's and back (seven miles) on our bicycles.

This morning my back *knows* it. I've been going easy on it all day...

The librarians called and asked if we wanted a set of encyclopedias (I LOVE being friends with the librarians!) and I refrained from lifting any of them.

Mom wanted us to haul a cabinet she bought for her, and I refrained from lifting any cabinets.

Then I thought if I was going to get rid of the two old sets of encyclopedias we have, I'd need boxes, so I slipped around a store and picked out a few sturdy-looking cardboard boxes...and my back gave out picking up an empty cardboard box.

So now I'm in pain....worse than before when I fell, even. It's a burning pain...I don't even *want* to know why. : (


Stephanie said...

Sorry Paige!
Have you tried arnica? You can take the tablets and use the cream,
You can get it at health food stores.

Paige said...


I haven't. I went looking for it when I hurt my knees, then decided I was feeling better anyway, so didn't buy it.

Thanks for the reminder, though. I'll try to get out to get some.