Friday, July 11, 2008

Last Night of VBS and Oscar

Tonight was the last night of VBS at the church my BIL and SIL go to. The girls had a BLAST!

(Note the peeling sunburn on the nose. They look like lizards right now. lol)

This morning Daddy and I went out by ourselves for a while, and left the girls and Oscar at home. *Someone* missed us.
Tonight at VBS they did a program...everyone sang, except Emma, who scrunched down on the last bench. ; )

At the "carnival" afterwards they both had their faces painted...
(Anna's new friend Phoebe is watching intently...)
They tried throwing darts at balloons...
and won prizes...

and had a *really* good time, and were happy and loaded with new things when we left.

Now they're at their cousin's for a sleepover birthday party. Their first sleepover somewhere besides my mom's. ; ) They were a little unsure, but must be having a good time, because it's almost 1:30 and they haven't called yet. lol

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