gone for a walk (or bike ride) every day. I'm starting to see more results in the weight loss dept. : )
Monday we went up to mom's and the girls got to play with their cousins.
Tuesday we were going to help at the food bank, but Anna didn't want to go, so Daddy went alone and we girls went to the library and waited on him. He was a bit grumpy about us not going, something about he didn't think it was right to give our word that we were going then not show up, even though he said he'd go pick up food today, and cancelled on that. Somehow *he* changing his mind is okay, but not us. Yeah.
Today he had two doctor's appointments...and they went okay. He had blood taken again, and his hand is all swelled, but for the most part he's well. ; ) Emma finished spading up her garden spot and got her flowers and watermelon planted.
We also turned the tadpoles loose today. I checked the tank and there were five dead in the bottom, and I just couldn't keep the rest and hope for better. Seems too cruel. So we let them all go, and buried the dead ones. (That reminds me...I left the tank soaking and should go finish cleaning it.) : P
Anna killed a rat. She's a better ratter than the cats. lol We've had a bit of a rat problem outside...they've been getting into the bird feeder. Last week I told her not to feed the birds for a while, and put poison out (under a table so the birds couldn't get it) and she looked into the table (it's like a box with a removable lid) and there was a rat in there, so she dropped a piece of metal on it's head. She felt awful afterwards, and cried, but I was VERY glad it was dead.
We are apparrently having a rodent explosion around here...there have been mouse droppings in the kitchen and my building...and I just cleaned out the darn building a week or so ago! The cats have been watching the kitchen pretty heavy, and I put poison in my building, and DH's brother has been shooting the rats outside (their nest is over the bank between their house and ours), so hopefully we're winning the battle.
I can take just about any other kind of infestation except rodent. Give me termites any day! lol
I'm reading The Secret, and it has inspired me to think rodent-free thoughts. I've always thought "I don't want mice, I don't want mice." So I'm changing that to visualizing all rodents running away from our property and a shield coming down to prevent them from coming back. Somehow positive words don't come to mind concerning rodents, so I'm not able to come up with a sentence...only an image. lol

Speaking of images...here's one of my first crimson clover blooming! I have several blooming, but it was rainy today and I didn't get out to take pics of them...but I'm SO happy they're blooming. I just LOVE them. : D
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