Thursday, May 8, 2008

It's Late, and I Should Be In Bed, But Instead I'm Listening to NPR online

It's interesting, though, in my defense. lol

It was sent through one of the unschooling groups the other day, and I'm just getting around to listening to it. I'd like to read the book, but haven't gotten over to the "far" library to get it yet.

We took today *off* for the most part. Daddy delivered a couch to the food pantry, and that's really about it today.

It rained, but the girls still wanted to go on our walk, so we walked in the rain...well, I walked and they rode their bikes. I had an umberella, so I didn't get *too* wet, but Oscar did. He absolutely LOVES to be dried off. We have these big white hospital-type blankets I use to dry him with, and he really enjoys rolling around in them. lol

I haven't papered any more since the other day...yesterday we worked all day getting all the things moved, and today I cleaned in my bedroom. It looks SO good! Daddy let me use the new shelf he got (THANK YOU, DADDY!!!) and I moved out all my tote boxes of out-of-season and to-grow-into clothes to my building. My side of the bedroom looks really nice now, and I can actually move around. lol

I kept getting rid of things....clothes, shoes, books, four bags of things. And I was thinking I had already gotten rid of everything I needed to. ha ha ha

I also went through the games and things I had in the living room for the girls. A few things are going to the used curriculum sale's free table, and lots more went into the bedroom and there are a few things left in the living room. I took some books to the bedroom shelf and made room in the living room shelf for the girl's coloring books.

I did start something new today...oil pulling. It was mentioned on a group, too, and sounded interesting, so I'm trying it. No word yet on how it's working...just my first day and all...but it I start feeling better and my allergies clear up, I'll be sure to post about it. lol

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