Friday, May 16, 2008

These Last Few Days...

I'll have to go back and read what I posted last to figure out what I said last...portfolios, I believe, so I'll just start with yesterday.

Yesterday, Daddy had a doctor's appointment scheduled at the ungodly hour of 7am! AND they told him to come 15 minutes early...6:45. Since no one was there and they doors were still locked, we couldn't figure that out. At about 7:05 we followed an office worker in, then waited until they had all their printers and things up and running (and the lights on) before they signed him in. Since it was then about 7:30, why didn't they just tell him to be there at 7:30? I could have slept another half-hour. The test was over before 8, so we went out for breakfast, then to a couple stores and the *far* library. They didn't have the book I was wanting, though. : (

However, at the stores (Goodwill and Salvation Army thrift store) I found lots of wonderful things....two comic books, two coloring books, two Barbie dolls, two bike helmets! (yay!), a volcano-making kit ~opened but not used at all~, a science kit thingey...the science of hauntings or looked cool, a Game of the States, a stuffed Spiderman (for Nicholas, since he LOVES Spidey), and a video rewinder. We'd been looking for a video rewinder, but no one seems to be selling them anymore, so we were especially glad to find one. And for $1!

The girls stayed in bed while Daddy and I went out. In some ways, I like them being older. ; ) I do rather miss having tinies around, but older is easier. : )

I'm going to stop blogging now...Emma is wanting some business cards printed, and I'm not sure I have the stuff loaded up to do that, so I'm going to delve deep into the inner recesses of my computer.

Then, I may play with some of the stuff I bought yesterday. ; )


Beverly said...

Wow, I'm with you on the not getting up so early, and with the Goodwill shopping. That was a good news/bad news kind of day, huh?

Paige said...

Yes...and the good news certainly outweighed the bad news. ; )