Friday, May 30, 2008
We found a Snake!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
This Week We've...

Speaking of images...here's one of my first crimson clover blooming! I have several blooming, but it was rainy today and I didn't get out to take pics of them...but I'm SO happy they're blooming. I just LOVE them. : D
Saturday, May 24, 2008
My Kids Are Back!!!
They had to get up at 7 this morning...very unusual for them...then it was a long day of work.
Mom showed Emma how to use the cash register, and she got to ring up some people's purchases, they both got to water the plants and dig in the soil bin, they helped Mom dig out a big plant that had rooted itself in the compost pile, they carried purchases to the car for the customers, and they both picked out lots of flowers.
Now we just have to find a place to plant their new flowers. lol
Anna has already gone to bed and is asleep...which is amazing considering Oscar is barking at a toy ambulance Daddy is playing with...and Emma is taking a shower.
I'm SO glad they're home!
Home Alone
We're SO lonely! I LOVE having my kids with me...I don't understand those people who say "I can't wait for school to start." We love having them with us, and they love being with us, so it all works out very well. ; )
We got the fifth season of The Andy Griffith Show yesterday, and Daddy and I are using it to take our minds off missing the girls. ; )
That is helping...and Oscar. He's such a big baby, it's like having another kid. One that has to be walked. lol
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The Loss of a Tadpole, and a Used Curriculum Sale

Last night was the local used curriculum sale. My picture didn't turn out very good, but we got books and craft kits and posters and toys and art supplies...all kinds of good stuff.
I ended up spending $7 more than I'd planned. Daddy said he'd *really* like to have a game, then he went outside. The game was $10, and I didn't want to spend that on it, but after awhile, the lady called "Everything half-off!", so I ran over and bought it for $5. When I got out to the van Daddy claimed he'd said, "If *you* think it's something the girls would like you should buy it." Yeah, right. So I spent $5 I probably wouldn't have otherwise there, then Anna REALLY wanted that Aztec book on the far right side of the picture and it was $2, so there went the $7 I hadn't planned on spending. At least that 's my story. ; ) It couldn't have been anything *I* wanted. lol
The game actually looks like it will be fun to play, and has wonderful pieces, which I always love, even if the game stinks. lol
The girls found lots of books...I didn't realize how many until we got home! I was so proud of myself for taking two boxes of books for the free table, until I came home with...4 boxes. Well...in my defense, *I* was the only one picking things out to get rid of, while there were 4 of us picking up new things. ; )
Sunday, May 18, 2008
What We's Been Up To...
The girls took their bikes and rode in the parking lot some, then played on the playground and with a little dog which wandered by. Then DH got out his metal detector and sprinkled a few pennies around, and let his other nephew (the birthday boy's older brother) find them. He really thought he had something! : ) Cheap way to entertain kids. ; )
Saturday we all went to the place where I grew up and metal detected in the front yard, at least until the girls and I got bored and rode bikes. (Gosh, my rear isn't used to THAT!!) Daddy ended up finding a silver ring, though, so he was happy.
Today was my baby brother's 16th birthday, and we went to church so we could give him his present. I didn't think I'd get a chance to see him otherwise, because he always spends Sunday running around and is hard to pin down. He's awfully cute, though, at 16. ; )
We've been (well, the girls and Daddy have been) riding about a mile every day on the bikes. Oscar and I walk/run along with them...and try not to get run over. I'm hoping I'll lose weight doing it, but nothing has happened yet. ; )
Friday, May 16, 2008
These Last Few Days...
Yesterday, Daddy had a doctor's appointment scheduled at the ungodly hour of 7am! AND they told him to come 15 minutes early...6:45. Since no one was there and they doors were still locked, we couldn't figure that out. At about 7:05 we followed an office worker in, then waited until they had all their printers and things up and running (and the lights on) before they signed him in. Since it was then about 7:30, why didn't they just tell him to be there at 7:30? I could have slept another half-hour. The test was over before 8, so we went out for breakfast, then to a couple stores and the *far* library. They didn't have the book I was wanting, though. : (
However, at the stores (Goodwill and Salvation Army thrift store) I found lots of wonderful things....two comic books, two coloring books, two Barbie dolls, two bike helmets! (yay!), a volcano-making kit ~opened but not used at all~, a science kit thingey...the science of hauntings or something...it looked cool, a Game of the States, a stuffed Spiderman (for Nicholas, since he LOVES Spidey), and a video rewinder. We'd been looking for a video rewinder, but no one seems to be selling them anymore, so we were especially glad to find one. And for $1!
The girls stayed in bed while Daddy and I went out. In some ways, I like them being older. ; ) I do rather miss having tinies around, but older is easier. : )
I'm going to stop blogging now...Emma is wanting some business cards printed, and I'm not sure I have the stuff loaded up to do that, so I'm going to delve deep into the inner recesses of my computer.
Then, I may play with some of the stuff I bought yesterday. ; )
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Things Have Slowed Down...
I got Anna's portfolio finished, but I have to get more page protectors for Emma's before I can finish hers.
They're basically scrapbooks, and I try to start and end them in May. There was a thread online about unschoolers not having a "school year", but we do because otherwise I end up with a jumbled mess in their portfolios.
I like to start in June with the next year's things, so I can have all the things about the library's summer reading program...in some years past I was starting *and* ending with that, and it was confusing. lol
Anna has just finished looking at her's...she says she likes it. ; )
I'm thinking that at least this way I'm kind of *forced* to do some scrapbooking...otherwise everything sits in a file cabinet and waits for me to get inspired. lol
Daddy is planning to go to help with the food pantry today, so I guess the girls and I will just stay home. I do need to clean litter boxes and clean off the front porch and work on the wallpaper again.
And look for the broom. HOW do you lose your broom? Emma looked all over for it this morning and couldn't find it. It must be somewhere, though.....but where? lol
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day
Daddy gave me truffles and mints, and money...that's always nice. ; ) Anna gave me a flower pin, and Emma gave me fuzzy socks, a Diet Dr. Pepper, and a candle. I also got to go out to eat.
Daddy cooked me a wonderful supper this evening, also. I feel SO loved today. : )
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
It's Late, and I Should Be In Bed, But Instead I'm Listening to NPR online
It was sent through one of the unschooling groups the other day, and I'm just getting around to listening to it. I'd like to read the book, but haven't gotten over to the "far" library to get it yet.
We took today *off* for the most part. Daddy delivered a couch to the food pantry, and that's really about it today.
It rained, but the girls still wanted to go on our walk, so we walked in the rain...well, I walked and they rode their bikes. I had an umberella, so I didn't get *too* wet, but Oscar did. He absolutely LOVES to be dried off. We have these big white hospital-type blankets I use to dry him with, and he really enjoys rolling around in them. lol
I haven't papered any more since the other day...yesterday we worked all day getting all the things moved, and today I cleaned in my bedroom. It looks SO good! Daddy let me use the new shelf he got (THANK YOU, DADDY!!!) and I moved out all my tote boxes of out-of-season and to-grow-into clothes to my building. My side of the bedroom looks really nice now, and I can actually move around. lol
I kept getting rid of things....clothes, shoes, books, purses....like four bags of things. And I was thinking I had already gotten rid of everything I needed to. ha ha ha
I also went through the games and things I had in the living room for the girls. A few things are going to the used curriculum sale's free table, and lots more went into the bedroom and there are a few things left in the living room. I took some books to the bedroom shelf and made room in the living room shelf for the girl's coloring books.
I did start something new today...oil pulling. It was mentioned on a group, too, and sounded interesting, so I'm trying it. No word yet on how it's working...just my first day and all...but it I start feeling better and my allergies clear up, I'll be sure to post about it. lol
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Working SO Hard!!

We had a light snack...and a cake, but I forgot it until after I took pictures. It didn't look all that good, anyway...my whipped topping melted. lol
I've been papering the living room, and carpeted the living room and the girl's room, and helped them clean their room and have been washing lots of laundry and doing a bit of gardening, and cleaned my building up when they got their things out of it, and helped Daddy move his things, and had to wash Oscar because he dug in smelly dirt while we were outside, and painted the trim in the living room...and I'm BUSHED!!
I'm going to walk Oscar one last time, and go to bed...as soon as I get off the computer. lol
Saturday, May 3, 2008
May 3
We always have a cookout in his honour on his day, though, and miss him dreadfully.
The girls had a good time, playing with their cousins...mostly. Except for the fights, anyway. lol
I'm tired. Daddy has been going to home improvment stores the last two days, and it's wearing me out! Something about walking through one of those stores just makes me SO tired...but I can walk through a mall for hours. Go figure. lol
Friday, May 2, 2008
A Funeral and Tadpoles

Thursday, May 1, 2008
Cool Things...
Today we went shopping, then to Mom's when we came home, except for Daddy who has a dreadful stomachache and stayed in bed. Anyway, at Mom's the girls climbed the mountain with Oren, Justus, Nick and Rachel. Emma found more mushrooms, and they found a scarlet tananger dead and brought it home for a proper burial. It's SO beautiful.
Mom brought home a bit more things, and among them is a very lovely fur stole. I think it may be beaver, but I would need to check it against some to make sure. It's SO decadant...I can just imagine a lady wearing it with a bustle skirt....Rather 1880's looking. I think Adelaide Adams wears one like it in Calamity Jane (movie with Doris Day)...I'll have to watch it again and see.