and I just remembered.
And it is SO cool!
The man Daddy got the computer from was so interesting...he used to be a lion tamer! Emma went with Daddy to pick up the computer, and came back talking about all the cool stuff he had, like tiger wiskers and hairs from an elephant's tail. : ) Daddy said he only had half of one of his fingers, and a photo album with pictures of the circus. Isn't that just cool? lol I'm SO glad Emma went with Daddy. We had thought of letting them stay home and me going with him, but I'm glad I didn't. That was something that needed to be *lived* rather than just told about. : )
Thursday, January 31, 2008
NO School Today!
Well, maybe I should explain. ; )
This morning Oscar needed to go out at 7:25. The school bus had just passed our house and was stopping about 1/2 a mile down the road.
It was amazing to think that, had our girls been going to school they would have already been up for an hour or so, and I wouldn't see them again until 4:30 this evening. Wouldn't that be dreadful?
Instead, they're tucked in their nice warm beds (actually, I think they're both in Emma's bed), and when they wake up they'll probably spend the day watching dvd's on their new computer in their room.
Yes, they have their own computer now! It doesn't have enough memory or something to run all the computer games, so they'll still have to use our computers for those, but it will run some of their games, and they can watch DVD's on it, so that'll be nice for them. Daddy said he'd copy some of the DVD's we own so they'll have their own to watch and he won't have to worry about them scratching his. lol
Daddy was really nice about getting it all set up for them yesterday, and he also fixed the dresser (YES! no more bottoms dropping out of drawers!) while he was in there. Last night after I had read a couple chapters to the girls they ~said~ they were tired and ready for bed, but then stayed up with him watching cartoons on their new computer.
Right now Oscar and I are the only ones up. He's not even entirely up...he's napping in front of the heater, getting up only to chase the occasional cat. lol I may even go back to bed myself. ; )
This morning Oscar needed to go out at 7:25. The school bus had just passed our house and was stopping about 1/2 a mile down the road.
It was amazing to think that, had our girls been going to school they would have already been up for an hour or so, and I wouldn't see them again until 4:30 this evening. Wouldn't that be dreadful?
Instead, they're tucked in their nice warm beds (actually, I think they're both in Emma's bed), and when they wake up they'll probably spend the day watching dvd's on their new computer in their room.
Yes, they have their own computer now! It doesn't have enough memory or something to run all the computer games, so they'll still have to use our computers for those, but it will run some of their games, and they can watch DVD's on it, so that'll be nice for them. Daddy said he'd copy some of the DVD's we own so they'll have their own to watch and he won't have to worry about them scratching his. lol
Daddy was really nice about getting it all set up for them yesterday, and he also fixed the dresser (YES! no more bottoms dropping out of drawers!) while he was in there. Last night after I had read a couple chapters to the girls they ~said~ they were tired and ready for bed, but then stayed up with him watching cartoons on their new computer.
Right now Oscar and I are the only ones up. He's not even entirely up...he's napping in front of the heater, getting up only to chase the occasional cat. lol I may even go back to bed myself. ; )
Friday, January 25, 2008
This is the third full moon we've had Oscar. It's amazing how much more logical it seems to count by the full moons when I'm out with them so much now. lol
I made beans today and gave him a "used-up soup bone" from them, and he's thoroughly enjoying it...he's enjoying it so much he didn't even want to go on our long walk tonight. : )
When we got to our usual turning place he turned himself around and started running for home, and went straight back to his bone. : ) AND, he didn't stop at every sign post and mailbox. lol
One of the side benefits of having a dog...I've read about it, but never knew it would make SUCH a difference...I'm losing weight! I had noticed my sweat pants were looser...I've had to tug on them to keep them from falling off more than yesterday Daddy commented on it, so I know it's not just in my head. lol I will never know numbers for how much I've lost, because I can't use our scale. It's digital and has a decided disliking for shuts down whenever I'm near it. lol
But, regardless, I'm losing weight and have a new outfit to wear to celebrate! : )
In other news... : )
The girls are gone to their first "real" sleepover (as Emma said) tonight. They're spending the night with Rachel at Mom's. Kiera and Kady are there, too, but I'm not sure if (or how) they're figuring into the sleepover plan.
We went to the library today, and I picked up a book I'd ordered...Loblolly, by Frank B. Gilbreth. It was mentioned on one of the unschooling groups, and that reminded me that once upon a time I had wanted to order all the books our library system had by the Gilbreths...back in the "old days" when ordering books required filling out a form and turning it in to the librarians; now I can just go to the library website and order them online all by myself (yea!). Not to mention renewing books...I LOVE the internet! : )
I made beans today and gave him a "used-up soup bone" from them, and he's thoroughly enjoying it...he's enjoying it so much he didn't even want to go on our long walk tonight. : )
When we got to our usual turning place he turned himself around and started running for home, and went straight back to his bone. : ) AND, he didn't stop at every sign post and mailbox. lol
One of the side benefits of having a dog...I've read about it, but never knew it would make SUCH a difference...I'm losing weight! I had noticed my sweat pants were looser...I've had to tug on them to keep them from falling off more than yesterday Daddy commented on it, so I know it's not just in my head. lol I will never know numbers for how much I've lost, because I can't use our scale. It's digital and has a decided disliking for shuts down whenever I'm near it. lol
But, regardless, I'm losing weight and have a new outfit to wear to celebrate! : )
In other news... : )
The girls are gone to their first "real" sleepover (as Emma said) tonight. They're spending the night with Rachel at Mom's. Kiera and Kady are there, too, but I'm not sure if (or how) they're figuring into the sleepover plan.
We went to the library today, and I picked up a book I'd ordered...Loblolly, by Frank B. Gilbreth. It was mentioned on one of the unschooling groups, and that reminded me that once upon a time I had wanted to order all the books our library system had by the Gilbreths...back in the "old days" when ordering books required filling out a form and turning it in to the librarians; now I can just go to the library website and order them online all by myself (yea!). Not to mention renewing books...I LOVE the internet! : )
Thursday, January 24, 2008
I Am Incredibly Sad Tonight...
I feel like I need a good cry.
Daddy and Anna watched a hunting show on tv today. I had to ask Daddy to turn it off. It was dreadful..."Ohhh look! We shot a zebra! What a wonderful sport hunting is!" Bleah. It'll be a sport when the animals can fight back.
Then I was browsing about online and came across a woman talking about an abortion she it was no big deal..."Go on little baby...go on your way." A little too syrupy for murder, isn't it?
I'm thinking all sorts of things I'm not going to type. Not nice things...really hateful things about people who kill their children...much worse things than I say about people who hunt for sport.
But I won't say them...instead, I'm going to go out and walk my dog, and go to bed. I'll may even take him to bed with me, since Daddy's asleep on the couch. I need someone to snuggle with tonight.
Daddy and Anna watched a hunting show on tv today. I had to ask Daddy to turn it off. It was dreadful..."Ohhh look! We shot a zebra! What a wonderful sport hunting is!" Bleah. It'll be a sport when the animals can fight back.
Then I was browsing about online and came across a woman talking about an abortion she it was no big deal..."Go on little baby...go on your way." A little too syrupy for murder, isn't it?
I'm thinking all sorts of things I'm not going to type. Not nice things...really hateful things about people who kill their children...much worse things than I say about people who hunt for sport.
But I won't say them...instead, I'm going to go out and walk my dog, and go to bed. I'll may even take him to bed with me, since Daddy's asleep on the couch. I need someone to snuggle with tonight.
This Was Funny...
Anna was all excited this morning when it started snowing. After a few minutes she looked out and said, "What does it mean when it's snowing and the sun is shining?" I was thinking of the old saying ~When it rains and the sun is shining the devil is beating his wife.~ so I said, "God is shaking out his pillows." They said, Ewww, so Daddy chimed in..."The devil is brushing his hair." lol Emma says she isn't going to play in it, if that's what it is. lol
Anna came over and read what I'm writing, and said, "I thought it meant the angels were sweeping the porch."
Anna came over and read what I'm writing, and said, "I thought it meant the angels were sweeping the porch."
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The Dog is Eating My Homework!!!
Just Kidding. There is no homework, so the dog can't eat it. He *did* eat a paper on the couch today, but no one claimed it, so it must have been okay to eat.
I've been doing my best just to veg out and not do anything the last couple days...but it's not working. I was SO hoping for snow...but we didn't get much at all; and now it's melted into mud for the most part.
I meant to blog about the clouds night before last...amazingly beautiful clouds, and since it was 1:30 in the morning and my camera isn't the best in the world I couldn't take a picture; but trust me, they were amazing. I was out walking Oscar and got the girls out there to see them with me. It was rather funny...freezing cold, 1:30 at night, and I'm getting the girls out of bed..."Come look at these clouds! They're amazing!" lol Really, I wouldn't have woke them up (that would be impossible) if they'd already been asleep, but they had just gotten in bed right before I took Oscar out, so they didn't mind getting up. The best way I can describe the clouds is that they looked like a light snow with bare patches of grass showing. It's hard to describe.
Last night I was up till three watching a movie, and the girls were playing a computer game. Tonight I'm trying to get in bed earlier...considering it's 1:42 think I'll manage? lol
I've been doing my best just to veg out and not do anything the last couple days...but it's not working. I was SO hoping for snow...but we didn't get much at all; and now it's melted into mud for the most part.
I meant to blog about the clouds night before last...amazingly beautiful clouds, and since it was 1:30 in the morning and my camera isn't the best in the world I couldn't take a picture; but trust me, they were amazing. I was out walking Oscar and got the girls out there to see them with me. It was rather funny...freezing cold, 1:30 at night, and I'm getting the girls out of bed..."Come look at these clouds! They're amazing!" lol Really, I wouldn't have woke them up (that would be impossible) if they'd already been asleep, but they had just gotten in bed right before I took Oscar out, so they didn't mind getting up. The best way I can describe the clouds is that they looked like a light snow with bare patches of grass showing. It's hard to describe.
Last night I was up till three watching a movie, and the girls were playing a computer game. Tonight I'm trying to get in bed earlier...considering it's 1:42 think I'll manage? lol
Monday, January 21, 2008
Laundry and Closets
Daddy built the closet in the girl's room today! I'd post a pic, but it's not entirely finished. It looks SO good, though. Their room is going to look amazing when it's finished.
I did laundry most of the day...when I wasn't arguing with Daddy over where to put bookshelves.
The girls and I went to Mom's this evening, and she gave us some clothes...REALLY nice. Like we needed more ~lol~ but now the girls have a nice BIG new closet to hang theirs in.
I did laundry most of the day...when I wasn't arguing with Daddy over where to put bookshelves.
The girls and I went to Mom's this evening, and she gave us some clothes...REALLY nice. Like we needed more ~lol~ but now the girls have a nice BIG new closet to hang theirs in.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Last Night, and Today...
Emma is in front of the heater with her feet against it, and Oscar is sprawled across her knees...with his back end up higher than his head...all scrunched up...cute!

Emma got sick last night. So I was up at three o'clock mopping the floor and washing laundry. But I was repaid....she said, "Thank you for being so nice to me, mommy."
She and Daddy stayed home from church this morning.
Anna and I went because I promised to help the Sunday School secretary with her work while her family is sick. Otherwise I wouldn't have gone. ; )
The electricity went off this morning about 9 and didn't come back on until 3. We nearly froze our butts off before it came back on, because Daddy didn't get the kerosene heater going and it's **freezing** outside...below 20. :(
Everything's back on now, and it's nice and warm...speaking of the heater, let me tell on
Last night I was sitting in front of the heater looking through magazines (Emma had asked me to go through them and get the comics out before we threw the magazines away), and I had the lamp lid off...what's a lamp lid....I know there's a word for it.....shade. I had the lamp shade off so I could see better (I *really* need new contacts) and it got colder and colder in the house. My hands were to the point of getting too cold to turn pages when I realized the room temperature gage was about 2 inches from the light bulb! I moved it and it dropped down to 54* REALLY quickly. lol
Emma is feeling a bit better this morning. She's still a little unhappy tummied, but better. I stopped by the store and got her some sprite on the way home, I thought that might help some. I wonder if her tummy wasn't upset because she had pink frosting at the party we went to yesterday. She used to be really allergic to red food coloring, then seemed to outgrow it and has eaten *some* since then, but then got sick last's hard to tell. I've always been allergic to it...the last time I had pink frosting was when Mom was pregnant with Justus ~ at her baby shower...almost 16 years ago! I got sick before we even got home and was sick for days...I haven't had any since...just not worth it.
Friday, January 18, 2008
We've been working on the girl's room's going to look SO good! ; )
Daddy built in bunkbeds, and we put down new carpet and put up the new's looking really, really good. Daddy still has to re-do the closet, and we've got to find something to do with the bookshelves we had to move. (Daddy said something about too many books...imagine!) lol
I'd post pictures...but we haven't got things put back *yet* and it's still a mess in here. ; )
Plus, Emma spent the night with Mom, so she's not here to help with things...and most of them are hers. Anna doesn't care about "things"...she keeps very few trinkets and keepsakes, but Emma...Emma is a packrat. She REALLY needs that storage building we bought her. (Imagine...if she needs a storage building at 12...what is it going to be like when she's, say, 30?!?)
I'd post about all the learning they've done today, but I was so busy I didn't notice any. lol When I left Mom's Emma was reading Shakespeare...I'd guess that counts for something, but I don't really like the idea of reading it; it's a play, it's supposed to be *watched* not read.
But, since I'm tired, and working on a load of laundry, and need to clean off the couch so Anna will have a place to sleep tonight (not to mention that I'm misspelling/mistyping every other word) I'm going to get off the computer and get ready for bed.
Daddy built in bunkbeds, and we put down new carpet and put up the new's looking really, really good. Daddy still has to re-do the closet, and we've got to find something to do with the bookshelves we had to move. (Daddy said something about too many books...imagine!) lol
I'd post pictures...but we haven't got things put back *yet* and it's still a mess in here. ; )
Plus, Emma spent the night with Mom, so she's not here to help with things...and most of them are hers. Anna doesn't care about "things"...she keeps very few trinkets and keepsakes, but Emma...Emma is a packrat. She REALLY needs that storage building we bought her. (Imagine...if she needs a storage building at 12...what is it going to be like when she's, say, 30?!?)
I'd post about all the learning they've done today, but I was so busy I didn't notice any. lol When I left Mom's Emma was reading Shakespeare...I'd guess that counts for something, but I don't really like the idea of reading it; it's a play, it's supposed to be *watched* not read.
But, since I'm tired, and working on a load of laundry, and need to clean off the couch so Anna will have a place to sleep tonight (not to mention that I'm misspelling/mistyping every other word) I'm going to get off the computer and get ready for bed.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Daddy Wanted This Saved Where He Could Find it...This Might Do
so he could use the idea for a movie of his own making. ; )
Okay...Maybe This Time Will Work...
In setting up this blog, I came across one I had started before.
I thought about deleting it, but some of the thoughts are still relevant, so I'm leaving it, but I'll post here instead of there. I hope I don't loose this blog, too. Somehow the other just disappeared....
Anyway, I hope to be able to keep this one up...and post regularly.
I've been posting at yahoo 360, but there's talk of doing something to it, so I'm thinking I need to move away.
I'll try here, anyway. 360 was SO easy to use, and my avatar was SO cute. : (
But, I'm hoping I can get a more interesting blog going...with the whole links and all...I've been practicing....; )
I thought about deleting it, but some of the thoughts are still relevant, so I'm leaving it, but I'll post here instead of there. I hope I don't loose this blog, too. Somehow the other just disappeared....
Anyway, I hope to be able to keep this one up...and post regularly.
I've been posting at yahoo 360, but there's talk of doing something to it, so I'm thinking I need to move away.
I'll try here, anyway. 360 was SO easy to use, and my avatar was SO cute. : (
But, I'm hoping I can get a more interesting blog going...with the whole links and all...I've been practicing....; )
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