Yesterday we went to my mom's for a little bit, and I helped mom cut up potatoes for planting. While we were working I could hear Emma singing to the little people in the back yard. : ) When I looked around the house she was swinging in the porch swing with them, and singing. She's such a sweetheart. : )
We brought the electric keyboard back home with us...technically it belongs to Mom, but we keep it so much it seems like ours, and we had let them *borrow* it back. ; ) Anyway, we brought it home, and last night Emma started picking out a song. I took a bath and I could hear them working through the first song, then going on to another. When Anna got into the tub later she told me about them working out the songs and said, "Emma said she needed me to help her!" She was so pleased with Emma saying she needed help it was sweet. : )
Today we went to a church meeting and they sang...a cappella and just the two of them....something I would NEVER have done as a child...or probably ever will do! : )
We decided to go out in the woods afterwards, and it was one discovery after another! Such fascinating things.....
Wild turkey eggs...

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