Friday, January 27, 2012

Two Things

"I wouldn't let her
walk in traffic because she doesn't like the sandy broken sidewalk or something.
She might NOT get hit by a car but it's just too risky."

" If she has the the flu
but wants to play out in the snow all day? "

These two quotes are brought here from an unschooling group I'm on. I brought them here, to my blog, so I can comment on them without hurting anyone's feelings. ;)

First part: traffic - I can completely imagine Anna not wanting to walk on a sandy/broken sidewalk. She has little quirks, and things that don't feel good to her feet is one of them. HOWEVER, just because she doesn't want to walk on the sidewalk doesn't mean she'd be - like it sounds like the OP is saying - walking in the middle of traffic. It's one thing to have a three-year-old playing in the middle of a busy street, it's quite another to hold your child's hand while they walk beside you on the edge of the street, stepping back onto the sidewalk or stopping when a car passes. Silly, silly people who can't see options!

Second part: flu. That's just nuts. What kid with the flu WANTS to play out in the snow all day anyway? No one. Not one kid who has a choice of what to do, and isn't being told repeatedly "It's too bad you're sick, you CAN'T go outside in the snow!" wants to go out when they are sick! I'd be willing to bet that if your kid has the flu and you leave it alone, staying outside in the snow all day will NOT happen.

Okay. Glad that's off my chest. ;)

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