Thursday, June 9, 2011

Morning Walk

I'll have to take my camera was SO beautiful out today!

I saw three mama turkeys with a whole fleet of chicks, and Oscar sniffed out a rabbit, then when we came back home a blackbird and a wren came out on the carport to clean up the spilled birdseed. :)

I added a cucumber to my morning smoothie......I think a whole cucumber was a bit much. I may try half of one tomorrow and see if I like it better. It wasn't the taste as much as the smell. My smoothie just smelled overwhelmingly cucumber-y today. :)

I have a plan to overcome my health issues.....morning walks - uphill, so my heart rate goes up better. If I walk on flat ground I tend to dawdle. Morning smoothie filled with lots of good stuff. :) Lots of water, a mostly vegetarian diet, with a bit of fish/chicken once in a while, vitamins and supplements, and nightly yoga. Plus making myself get off the computer and *live*! :)

Should be fun. :)

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