Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mister Potato Head(s)

I've wanted a Mr. Potato Head toy for ages....but I didn't want to pay for a new one.

Week before last I found three bodies in a large ziplock back with sundry pieces for $1.50 (enough pieces to make two Misters and one Mrs.), and this week I bought another (Mrs. Potato Head this time), then found two more while dumpster diving!

So six new Potato Heads to play with within the past month, to go with the one body and few pieces I already had.....7 potatoes!

I've been cleaning my library this week, and made a new place for the Legos. When a local video store closed their business I bought their drop box, a wooden cart with wheels. I put the Legos in there, two cat litter buckets full - which is where they were stored before - three boats and all the pieces that go with them, which wouldn't fit in buckets. I'm going to get the big baseplates and put them on a piece of board for a lid and it will be moveable storage for Legos....hopefully also made in such a way that I can flip the Lego side over and use it as a flat table, too.

I organized all my "extra" game pieces....a quart-size baggie of dice, pieces to Clue...all except for the lead pipe which is, of course, what was lost the last time the girls played....Monopoly Jr pieces, marbles and lots of pawns, both plastic and wooden. I buy lots of games just so I'll have the pieces, and woodens are my favourites.

When the last library shelf is finished I'd like to make one more small shelf, possibly with glass, to showcase the really cool pieces.

1 comment:

Anna said...

A girl after my own heart. I found my Mr & Mrs Potatoes at thrift stores. My grandkids are small but love the fact that together we can change out 'eyes', 'noses', and 'mouths' as they understand these body parts. Grats on organizing! It always feels better when finished.