Friday, April 8, 2011


Em said tonight, "Parents always apologize." Somehow I feel like a failure now. Parents don't always apologize. The *real* world isn't like that. I've always wondered what she'll (well, really, both of them) will think when she meets a boy from a "normal" family.....and she'll think he was horribly abused and feel very sorry for him and try to make him feel better....and that's where my imagination leaves and memory takes over....I remember feeling sorry for a fellow or two in my youth. ;) Does everyone with children feel they're failures? Except for those who really *are* failures and think they're wonderful.....and I don't believe any of those read my blog. ;)

1 comment:

Anastasia said...

Hmmm...i think you are right. I believe that crappy parents usually don't know they are crappy parents and vice versa...So if you think you are crappy then you aren't... Bad parents don't have the sensitivity to consider their attitude towards their children...So yeah :D you are cool.