Friday, April 1, 2011

April Brilliance! ;)

Anna tried to set a trap in the back yard to fool Daddy and Em. The trap didn't work, and she came in upset and cold and unhappy. She asked for help in thinking up another trick, but I couldn't think of anything.....the uppermost thought in my brain was how nice I thought it was when Em said, "I don't like April Fool's's not nice." ;) She draped herself over me, and obviously needed something....something to take her mind off her failed trap, and something to do. And I thought of something! I suggested we sort through three bags of toys Dad and I picked up to take to the food pantry to give out. We spent a sweet, happy hour sorting toys, picking out the trash and choosing ones to keep. :) SO many times I can't think of anything.....I can't make my brain move past the problem to a *good* solution. I was so happy with the result this time, I wanted to blog so I'd remember it later. :)

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