I simply couldn't bear being part of something so WRONG! I felt like too much of a hypocrite.....when have I *ever* used knowledge of a "predicate adjective" in real life? Well....about....um....*never*? In real life no one worries about whether or not you know where the predicate adjective is....no one cares! In real life, I dare to say, there are NO predicate adjectives......there are simply *words*. There are so many words, used so many ways....and the way people are taught in schools to "identify" them is...odd....to say the least. ; )
Rant over....we're HOME and that's all that matters! : )
We're still in the throes of house-buying, so pretty much all the stuff we usually do is taking a back seat to that. We did do a trip to a park and planetarium last week, to relax a bit.
It was a very relaxing trip, and we all enjoyed it. : )

Other than that we've just been doing "around home" things....the squirrels have been on Facebook a lot, I've been working on getting fall produce stored for winter, and daddy....well, daddy's been working on getting the house-buying moving. ; )
(I noticed I didn't mention how the squirrels felt about leaving school. I think what Emma said last night while we were out walking the dog sums it up pretty well....we were walking hand-in-hand and she said, "I'm glad we're not in school anymore. It was fun to be in class laughing at the boys, but I'd rather be here." My squirrels are so sweet! : )
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