Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I've spent most of the last three days being drug around the dinkiest little towns, getting VERY frustrated because of the horrid directions I've been given, looking for some sort of decent housing.

A quote from The Beverly Hillbillies keeps coming up, "Too poor to paint, too proud to whitewash." (Jed, talking about Cousin Pearl) Apparently we're just like her! lol Everything we can afford we wouldn't touch with the proverbial ten-foot-pole. ; ) And the ones we like...well...

Anyway, it's been interesting...seeing places I never knew existed. ; ) And today, while on top of a mountain 18 miles (!) from the nearest podunk town, we came around a bend and there was a momma black bear with two of the cutest roly-poly cubs EVER! It was SO awesome! They went down the road a bit, then went over the hill, and were gone before I could get my camera out and turned on. I wish I could have gotten a picture!

Tomorrow I've been promised I can stay home all day. Do you believe it? I don't either. ; )

(The good news is we've found two pieces of land....looks like we might be going the *new house* route is good.) ; )

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