Thursday, November 13, 2008

Interersting Happenings This Week

Emma and I went out Tuesday, for a little *girl* time, shopping along with running a couple errands. She had her birthday money to spend, so we went to the mall. I suggested a clothing store (kinda wishing she would see some "cute" clothes and want to buy them), so we headed up to it. There was a kiosk in the middle of the aisle, and a tall...TALL...fellow came out and asked if we had natural fingernails. I said yes, so he drew me over to the kiosk and went into his spiel about fingernail ridges. Then he poked a buffer at me. I jerked back, and he said "It's just a buffer, it won't hurt." and poked it at me again. (Now to get the whole picture, you have to realize I'm wearing a floor-length black cape.) I gathered up my cape, swooped away (as Emma described it) and said over my shoulder, "But it might have FUNGUS!". LOL Because of my hearing problems, I'm fairly sure I said it louder than I meant to, and after the swooping off I looked back to see Emma still standing there with her mouth open. When she finally caught up to me, she was saying, "MOM, you EMBARASSED ME!" AND she's described my "swooping" to anyone who would listen, going as far as to put it on her myspace page..."Emma is embarassed because my mom swooped in the mall today." ROFLOL!!!

Yesterday was Daddy's day for interesting happenings. You'd have to know him to understand it, but he gets into the strangest things. (For example, last summer we went to an art show, I went to the restroom afterwards, and when I came out he was in the theatre's projection room helping work on the sound.) Anyway, last night he was looking for a CD he bought, and couldn't find it, so he went back to the store to see if he'd left it there. (He hadn't...Anna carried it out, and it was beside her seat in the van.) He was driving through town, and happened to see a fellow he went to school with, who he was wondering about the other day, so he stopped to talk, and lo and behold...the guy is in town playing the lead in a movie they're filming here! (To *really* get what this means to Daddy you must realize it's his dream to get all into movie-making thingeys) He helped for a while...stopping traffic so the actors could run across the street...and talked for a while, then when he came home, he was still so buzzed about it, he took the girls back to watch. So he and they got to watch a movie being made! (The girls were thrilled...Anna keeps saying, "I got to shake hands with an ACTOR!"

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