Sunday, October 25, 2009


during which I have forgotten to blog! ; )

We've done a couple-few things....been a few places....mostly stayed near home and worked on the house-buying stuff.

Squirrels are busy with Facebook mostly, now that they've "discovered" it, and I've been cracking nuts most days.

A neighbour gifted us three boxes of black walnuts, and I'm trying to crack out at least one cup each nice day (which I need to get outside and do today, since it's sunshiney), and my mom gifted us a bucket of pecans, and I've been trying to get them opened and ready for pie. Ummmm... ; )

The garden is about through for the year. I cleaned out my herb garden, because catnip had nearly taken over. I set the catnip I thinned out to drying, and hopefully I'll be able to make a few cat toys for Christmas. ; )

When the tomatoes all died (besides the cherry tomatoes, which are still ripening all over the place) the pumpkins took off....but too late to really produce anything. There is one I *think* is big enough to be something, and about six tiny ones I don't think are edible.....or maybe baby pumpkins are edible....something to learn about, I guess.

I still have a hot pepper (the name eludes me) plant with green peppers which I'm hoping will change so I can make some more tabasco-like sauce. Daddy liked the last so much I barely got any! LOL

Anna has been reading Farmer Boy again for the first time, and conducting scientific experiments late at night with the stove...."How quickly does the eye heat up after it's turned on?" Answer: Quick enough to leave blisters when you touch it. ; ) She was *very* proud of her blisters, and bragged about them on Facebook and you'd have thought she was in danger of imminent death. lol

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